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Towing Services

Finding a company with the right expertise and qualifications is important to ensure the safe delivery of your vehicle.   You can trust Durrett Garage, an experienced and FMCSA licensed US towing company that is here to provide secure, local transport solutions. We offer open transport of small and medium size autos, classic or custom vehicles,  and ATV or motorcycle transport to and from anywhere in Virginia.  

Types of Towing & Who We Serve


If you are looking for an affordable way to transport or tow your vehicle, open transport may be exactly what you need.   When you drive along the interstate, you may notice large trucks carrying anywhere between two to eleven vehicles.  These trucks are carrying out their duties as open-transport services.  The main drawback of open transport is that vehicles are completely exposed to weather as well as debris off the road.  If your car is valuable or you have an antique, you may be willing to pay more if it means a thorough protection of your vehicle.  If this is the case, you may want to consider enclosed transport.  


There are two main methods used to transport vehicles.  The first being open transport, which is the more affordable option of the two.  The second, used specifically to ensure the safe delivery of vehicles is known as enclosed transport.  

Enclosed transport is one of the safest ways to transport your vehicle from A to B.  Enclosed trailers effectively protect the vehicle against the elements while in transit.  Having your vehicle delivered through closed-transport is almost the same as transporting it in a garage. 

Having a personal garage for your vehicle during transit may guarantee safety.  The trucks that provide closed-transport often consume more fuel along the route and their equipment is more expensive than open carriers.  That is why you will pay a premium for this type of transport service.

Durrett Garage would be delighted to help you learn more regarding the safe transportation of your vehicle.  

Who We Serve 

Durrett Garage provides all you need for your local transport and towing!  We serve the following:  




Car Shows

Relocation Companies 

Fleet and Lease Returns

Inventory Managers

Auto Wholesalers

Online car buyers and sellers

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"Thank you for your business! We hope you enjoy this road with us & keep on trucking!"

Transport and Towing Collections


Durrett Recovery LLC dba Durrett Garage. Please see all our policies below. Free Shipping & Returns anywhere in the US.

Medical Disclosure: All information on this site is for educational purposes only. DT & Shop and Tow to Heaven does not provide medical advice. If you suspect medical problems or need professional advice, please consult a physician.

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